
What to Do After a Minor Car Accident: A Guide for Young and Novice Drivers in Ireland

Posted on August 1, 2024

Being involved in a car accident, even a minor one, can be overwhelming, especially for young, novice and inexperienced drivers. But knowing what steps to take after the incident can help you to stay calm, safe, and handle the situation correctly. This guide will walk you through the necessary actions to take if you’re involved in a minor car accident.

Stay Calm

car accident

While easier said than done, the first and most important thing to do is to stay calm. Stop, take a few deep breaths and steady your nerves. Panicking doesn’t help and will only make the situation more stressful.

Move to a Safe Location
Provided it’s safe to do so, move your car to the side of the road to avoid blocking traffic, apply your handbrake and switch on your hazards. If you have one, place your warning triangle at the rear of your car to alert oncoming traffic that there has been an accident.

Check for Injuries
Next, check yourself and any other passengers who are travelling with you for injuries. If there are other cars involved, check on the occupants to make sure everyone is okay. Call emergency services immediately by dialling 112 or 999 if there has been an injury, or if someone requires assistance.

Call the Gardai
In Ireland, you are legally required to report the incident to Gardaí if there has been a road-traffic accident. If it’s a minor incident, Gardaí may choose not to attend but it’s important that it still be reported. Following the accident, Gardaí will create an official report with an incident number. 

Collect Information from the Scene

Take some notes of the scene and record all important or minor details, such as:

  • Date and time of the incident 
  • The position of the vehicles
  • Damage to all vehicles involved
  • Make and model of cars involved
  • Any visible injuries
  • Contact details of any witnesses
  • Road conditions and weather at time of incident

You can also use your smartphone to take pictures or video documenting the scene, the cars involved and any damage caused during the incident. If there are disputes further down the line, the information you gather from the scene can be hugely beneficial from an insurance or legal perspective.

Exchange Information

You should exchange insurance and contact details with the other driver at the scene; and provide your name, address and any requested personal details to Gardaí.

If the driver is uninsured, you should still follow the steps outlined above and immediately contact the Gardaí and your insurer. In Ireland, the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Ireland (MIBI) is the body which compensates drivers who have been hit by uninsured drivers.

Contact Your Insurance

It’s highly important that you contact your insurer immediately to report the incident. They will ask for your insurance details and policy number and for details of the collision or accident. 

You should provide your insurer with all the information you’ve gathered from the scene such as the other driver’s insurance details, registration, and contact information. And any other relevant information like photos you took from the scene and contact details for any witnesses. 

The more information you provide the better. Even if you don’t plan on making a claim, the other driver might so it’s important to inform your insurer.

Tips for Preventing Accidents

  • Anticipation: Always drive carefully and be aware of your surroundings and anticipate the actions of other drivers on the road.

  • Avoid Distractions: Don’t use your phone while driving, and stay focused on the road.

  • Follow Traffic Laws: Stick to speed limits and road signs can significantly reduce the risk of accidents.

FAQs for What to Do After a Minor Car Accident

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