Halloween is thought to have originated in Ireland & Scotland when the Celtic people celebrated the Ancient Festival of Samhain. The Pagan Festival of Samhain (summer’s end) was held around the end of October to mark the end of the summer months, the harvest and the beginning of winter. It was also a time to ward off evil spirits and a time to remember the dead, including saints (hallows) and martyrs. Bonfires were lit as their flames and ashes were deemed to...
KennCo Blog
KennCo Travel Insurance for Fórsa Members
Posted on October 28, 2024KennCo Insurance have teamed up with Fórsa Fórsa was formed in January 2018 after members of IMPACT, the Civil, Public and Services Union (CPSU), and the Public Service Executive Union (PSEU) voted to form a new trade union together. KennCo Insurance are offering Fórsa members a special discount on their travel insurance. KennCo are offering Fórsa members Annual Multi-Trip travel insurance for just €59. Included in this price is cover for your partner and children too.* KennCo Travel Insurance has a...
How to Stay Safe on the Road This Halloween
Posted on October 25, 2024With Halloween just around the corner, it's not just ghosts, goblins or ghouls you need to be on the lookout for on our roads. Whether its children and parents trick-or-treating or people heading to parties and other festivities, Halloween tends to bring with it an influx of pedestrians. For drivers, this can present a unique set of challenges so it's important to be extra cautious, especially in residential areas where trick-or-treaters are out and about. Autumn also brings earlier nights...
How to Protect Against Halloween Hazards: Tips for Parents and Homeowners
Posted on October 25, 2024Halloween is a time of spooky fun but it also presents unique challenges for parents and homeowners, especially when it comes to protecting your home and family against potential hazards and unwanted surprises. From fire risks posed by decorations and safeguarding your little ones to protecting your home from vandalism, here are a few ways to keep the ‘tricks’ away this Halloween: Trick-or-Treat Safely Parents should actively monitor their children's trick-or-treating to make sure they are safe. Set clear boundaries...
Theory Test Mock Exam
Posted on October 20, 2024Passing your Theory Test is always a challenging time for a new driver. We've created a mock-up test to help you with some common questions you might get asked. Try and get above 70%. Answer all 10 Questions Next Question Submit Do I need to register to take the mock exam? No registration is required! Simply click and start the exam whenever you're ready. It’s designed for convenience so you can dive right in. Is the Kennco.ie Mock Theory Exam...
Guide to Motorcycle Safety on Irish Roads
Posted on October 13, 2024Riding a motorcycle in Ireland can be an exhilarating experience but it also comes with its own unique challenges and responsibilities. Whether you're a veteran motorcyclist or just starting out, understanding motorcycle safety is crucial for staying safe. This guide, part of the Irish Road Safety Week 2024 campaign, covers everything you need to know to stay safe on the roads. Importance of Motorcycle Safety Motorcycle safety isn't just about following the law—it's about protecting your life and ensuring enjoyable...
Staying Focused: Dangers of Distracted Driving on Irish Roads
Posted on October 12, 2024Distracted driving is a significant issue affecting road safety in Ireland. With the RSA's annual conference on October 9th, 2024 focusing on this theme, it's crucial to understand how distractions impact driving and what steps you can take to stay focused behind the wheel. This guide provides essential tips and insights to help you drive safely and responsibly. Importance of Staying Focused While Driving It should go without saying that staying focused while driving is vital for your safety and...
Child Car Seat Safety in Ireland: Complete Guide For Parents
Posted on October 11, 2024Children are some of the most vulnerable passengers on the road. Which is why child safety when driving is the highest priority for each and every parent. In Ireland, there are strict laws for children travelling in cars and around the use of car seats to ensure child safety. Understanding these laws and regulations can significantly increase your child’s safety during travel and can save lives if followed correctly - and also guarantee compliance. In our guide below, we’ll take a...
Staying Safe on Irish Roads: Guide for Pedestrians
Posted on October 10, 2024As a pedestrian on Irish roads, your safety depends on both your actions and those of drivers. This guide, part of the Irish Road Safety Week 2024 campaign, offers essential tips and insights to help you navigate streets safely. Pedestrians as Road Users Pedestrians are among the most vulnerable road users. Unlike drivers, pedestrians and cyclists rely entirely on their awareness and good road safety practices to keep themselves and others safe. Being alert, visible, and following road safety advice...
Essential Seatbelt Safety Tips for Irish Roads
Posted on October 9, 2024Wearing a seatbelt is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to protect yourself while travelling in a vehicle. Many injuries and deaths that occur on Irish roads may be prevented if drivers and passengers were correctly wearing a seatbelt, or secured in a child car seat. As part of our Irish Road Safety Week 2024 campaign, we want to highlight why seatbelt safety matters and look at how you can keep yourself and your passengers safe and secured...