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In the ever-changing digital world, we are delighted to add our Cyber / Data Breach Insurance cover to our product range.
Any business handling customer data will, sooner or later, be confronted with the challenge of a data breach.
It’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’.
The data breach is not always the disaster – mishandling it is!
In managing a data breach, you want to make the call. It’s your reputation that’s on the line. At KennCo we work with Insurers that have pioneered the concept of data breach insurance that focuses first and foremost on response and coverage.
Cyber insurance will protect your business from the impact of a data breach causing a possible financial loss, reputation damage or business disruption.
Once your business deals with data, you are open to the potential threat of a breach. We consider every business and offer a simple and easy approach to quoting for CYBER risks.
KennCo’s Cyber policy provides a comprehensive Breach Response which is a unique insurance, loss control and risk mitigation service that provides a comprehensive service to notify and protect the customers of policyholder that have suffered a data breach.
Response to breach events
Additional First Party Coverages are also available for:
Our recent blog outlines the many reasons a business should take out Cyber Insurance to protect against the possibility of a Cyber attack or a data breach. The main takeaway being, if your business uses any form of online communications, be it websites, emails, online newsletters, you are open to these online risks. The key is to be prepared for any situation that may cause problems for your business.